Banking Software

Using C++, I created a banking software using a linked list data structure capable of adding, deleting, and storing user account data in a file. This program used a command line user interface to access its functionality. It also made use of object-oriented programming concepts so that all of its data and functions were members of an instance of a bank object. This project was very similar to an earlier project to create a banking software in C, with the obvious difference being that the previous project did not make use of classes and member functions.

In order to complete this project, I first wrote pseudocode for all of the important account functions: add, find, delete, etc. Only after making sure that these algorithms were correct did I translate the steps into actual C++ code. I also had to learn how to use C++ to read and write files, and how to handle formatting the data I wanted to write.

Since I had already completed a similar project in C, this was an excellent way to compare and contrast the capabilities of the two languages. C++ adds new functionality that makes it more than just an iteration on C.

Source code found here.